Solomons Volunteers Actively Recruit
By Communications Officer Norman Rea
September 22, 2015

The Solomons Volunteers are currently recruiting new members to come join our family. We realize as a family it takes many members to operate an organization as complex as ours. If you have ever thought of giving back to the community you are apart of now is the time. Whether you want to battle raging house fires, drive emergency vehicles to help get personnel to the scene, or provide EMS service to a person in need we have a job for you. We also have jobs for people who want to give back but don't want to be a firefighter or EMT. As our world has changed we have had to adapt to the changes and have needs for personal to handle data management, technological improvements and even grant writers. Another area we can also use assistance is event organizers. Members who can be apart of our fundraising campaigns and community involvement help us to grow out department to meet the ever changing and demanding needs of our community. As you can see there takes a wide range of individuals and skills to successfully run our organization.

As a member of our organization you will enjoy the many benefits that the county provides us include: free daycare, free tuition assistance with college, free training, free movies, a yearly tax deduction, a length of service retirement opportunity and more.

If you even have a small curiosity on what you can do to help please come down and talk with our officers and members. We welcome everyone to come join.