Updated: Santa is Coming to Solomons
By Solomons Volunteers
December 18, 2015

Its that time of year again. Time to decorate the tree, hang the stockings, and set out cookies and milk for good old jolly Saint Nick. As a time honor tradition the Solomons Volunteers are proud to have the opportunity to drive Santa around in the Lusby, Dowell and Solomons communities so he can check up on the good little boys and girls of Southern Calvert County. Because Santa is on such a strict time crunch in order to be ready for Christmas Eve the Solomons Volunteers have come up with a schedule so that he can easily see everyone. Please be sure to check out the schedule to find out what night he will be visiting you area so you can wave to him as he passes by.

The Volunteers hope everyone in our community has a wonderful and festive season.

Attachment SANTA RUNS.docx  (16k)
Attachment SANTA RUNS.pdf  (199k)