National Fire Prevention Month
By Public Information Officer Norman Rea
October 18, 2016

Every year in October the Solomons Volunteers observe a full month for Fire Prevention. During this time we go to the elementary schools, churches, and more spreading the news of the importance of Fire Prevention. We also hold our annual Open House which is a day of fun events for children of all ages at our station.

This years motto is to check the date on your smoke detectors. Smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years. While checking your batteries this year be sure to take the detector down off the wall or ceiling and check the manufacturer date on the back of it. Be sure to educate your children on the smoke detectors and how they work. Be sure to also review all of your emergency evacuation plans with your family.

If you have any questions or concerns please call down to the station and we will be happy to visit your home to assist you with your detectors. If you are interested in having the fire department visit your location please fill out the event request form on the left.

As always have a safe day

The Solomons Volunteers

Hyperlinks: Event Request
Fire Prevention Education